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Drew Taylor Cohen
Founder and Coach

Hi, I'm Drew! I help people at a crossroads develop a strong internal compass so they can live a more aligned and authentic life, but don’t want to do it alone.


Whatever transition you’re experiencing (or anticipating) – burnout, job search, big move, breakup – I can relate to feeling ready to live a more fulfilling and aligned life, but not knowing where to begin. 


Before starting Chosen Directions I was living life on autopilot, repeating patterns of behavior that left me feeling drained. I was in a long-term relationship where I felt lonely and unfulfilled. I was climbing the corporate ladder and beginning to burn out at work. I longed for my family that were 3,000 miles away. I knew I needed to make a change but didn't know how. 


But then I discovered my chosen values and realized that I had the roadmap to live an authentic and aligned life that felt good and rewarding. Like I was living the life I was always meant to be living.


It took time, a lot of self-reflection and aligned action. Here's how I got here. 


my career BEGAN in the music industry, followed by roles in technology and social impact.

Music was my first memorable passion, listening to any artist I could get my hands on and traveling to music festivals as soon as my parents allowed it. This passion led me to pursue a degree in music business and I landed my dream career in New York City working behind the scenes for the country’s biggest music festivals. I loved creating unforgettable and meaningful live experiences, and felt aligned and energized in my career. 


Eventually this job took me to San Francisco where I was surrounded by peers working in the tech industry. Their lives seemed lavish and mysterious compared to mine. Looking back, this was a major turning point in my life where I began to chase a dream that wasn’t important to me, rather important to others. My curiosity led me to a nine year career working in technology that was filled with many opportunities, but at a cost. 


I was making significantly more money and had perks like free meals and company stock, but immediately recognized that the work I was doing was not fulfilling. Because of this I changed roles a lot, seeking one that felt energizing and impactful. 


During my tenure I held positions including Account Manager, Partnerships Manager, Product Manager, and eventually Social Impact Lead. In this position, I noticed my spark return. I was marrying my personal passions (making an impact, helping solve real-world problems, showing compassion for others) with my job for the second time and felt like I had once again landed my dream career. The next couple of years I got to do work I loved and it felt rewarding. 


But something interesting happened. When I felt aligned and happier at work, I became more aware of the shortcomings in my personal life. I was feeling depressed and extremely out of alignment in my relationships and self. I was in a long-term relationship where our interests and aspirations were growing apart and I was no longer feeling fulfilled. Personally, home was calling me. I had four nieces and nephews back home and with each year they grew older my desire to be more consistently present in their lives grew stronger. I knew with certainty that this was important to me, and “Aunt Drew” was a big part of who I was and what I valued.


Dedicated to feeling more balance in my life, I set out on a personal development journey that led me to discover my values and trust my needs and desires, even if they were different from others (specifically the people that I loved and admired). This was a turning point in declaring that I knew what is most important to me, and nobody else. 


This clear sense of direction led me to take steps towards my aligned, authentic life. I left my relationship. I moved across the country to be closer to family. I found my dream home. I met my fiancé. I was transforming my life into one that felt aligned to what I valued most. 


With this clarity, confidence and personal growth, I started to realize I was now out of balance at work. Without considering if I truly wanted to, I was climbing the corporate ladder, simply because that’s what everyone else did. I began to recognize the misalignment of values with the people I worked closely with, and that made maintaining those relationships while being my authentic self challenging. I saw that I was on a path of habitual dedication to my work, perfectionism and people pleasing. I tried to address these challenges to stay in a role that I loved, until I completely burned out. 


I was consumed by stress, overwhelmed and my anxiety was at an all time high. I quit my job to focus on my health and pursue a more aligned career. 

my values ARE my roadmap FOR living authentically.

My chosen values guided me to start working exclusively with people who honored my values. I began freelance impact consulting, creating an impact across industries and organizations in a way that worked for me.


I became a certified coach. I launched a business to help others that I'm so passionate about and feel so aligned in. I’ve redefined and discovered my third dream career! 


Today, I support my clients to develop a strong internal compass so they can make decisions with ease, nurture values-aligned relationships, pursue a fulfilling career and live more authentically.


I teach the same proven framework that guided to where I am today that starts with exploring who you are, discovering your authentic self and pursuing an aligned life. I’ve had the privilege of witnessing my clients access the clarity and confidence to also leave misaligned relationships, pursue fulfilling careers post-burnout, and set achievable goals to follow their dreams. 


Because it’s possible - and rewarding - to live your most fulfilled life. And that starts with living in alignment with your values.

Bridge Over a Lake

“Drew approaches her sessions with great care, thoughtfulness and compassion. You walk away with not only practical tools and life hacks, but also feeling challenged and having pondered some big hairy questions that you may not have otherwise considered out loud!”


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