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You Move Towards What You Dwell On

I was reflecting on the amazing 1:1 conversations I’ve had with other heart-centered, values-aligned women over the last month and one detail stood out to me and made me absolutely giddy with joy.

Every single one of them at some point in our conversation stopped to ask how they could support me. This gesture occurred without fail across the ten connection calls I had, some of which were with complete strangers prior to our meeting.

It wasn’t until the fifth or sixth time this occurred that I started to giggle with delight. Thinking to myself, wow, all these incredible women want to support me? I couldn’t help but feel I was energetically attracting this kind of community into my life.

And then it dawned on me. For the last 30 days, I have made a list every single day of the ways that I already feel a sense of community in my life. I started this practice after setting an intention for more dream clients, partners and opportunities in my business.

From there, I thought about how it would make me feel if this intention became my reality. What came forward was: Joyful. Grounded. Confident. Community.

I had read that recalling ways that you already feel these emotions in your life today, not necessarily relating to your intention, would help you cultivate more of these positive feelings. As my dad always says, "You move towards what you dwell on."

So daily for the last month, I’ve religiously followed this practice of exploring and capturing ways I already feel joyful, grounded, confident and community. Before bed I sit down with my notebook and recall my day then write down the moments where these feelings were present.

And when I slowed down to pay attention to what was occurring in my daily life, I witnessed more joy, groundedness, confidence and community.

A picture of a notebook with a list of things that make me feel joy, grounded, confident and community.

I feel joyful when…

  • The breeze picks up on a hot humid day

  • I take a walk with my dog Carl in the rain

  • A new partnership* is formed

*I’ve solidified plans to co-host events with three dream partners in the last month since starting this practice.

I feel grounded when…

  • I’m nourishing my body with whole foods and exercise

  • I trust the process

  • I let my heart lead rather than my head

I feel confident when…

  • I coach and support others

  • I authentically share my experience

  • People register for my workshops and book exploration calls

I feel community when…

  • I learn in a group setting and feel connected to others

  • I’m offered support

  • I share my goals and celebrate my progress with others

Not only is this practice attracting more of these feel good moments into my life, I now have a cheat sheet of ways I can seek out these feelings by looking back on what I’ve written over the last month.

What a difference 30 days can make. Dwelling on the good stuff is bringing me more good stuff.

What Are You Dwelling On?

So what are you calling in and how would it make you feel if that materialized in your life?

Consider asking yourself:

  • What is one intention you want to set for the next 30 days?

  • What would it feel like if this intention became your reality?

  • How/when do you already feel these emotions in your life each day?

  • At the end of the 30 days, what have you notice shift, if anything?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments when your intentions start showing up in your reality.


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