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Image by Weyne Yew


A 12-week transformational coaching experience to step into the life you were always meant to live.

Can you recall the last time you felt like the best version of yourself? What were you doing? Who were you with? How did it feel? This is your authentic self.


Now imagine having the tools so every day of your life feels like this. You're clear about who you are and confidently pursue your goals. Your relationships are energizing and the people you spend time with honor and appreciate your needs and feelings because you've clearly communicated what's important to you. The work you do (whether you get paid for it or not) is a full body YES feeling and in alignment with what you value most. 


This is your reality when you discover your chosen values. Your life starts to shift and you magnetize your heart's desire. With your values as your guides, you can make intentional choices with confidence that transform you into the person you were always meant to be. You have your unique roadmap to live authentically. 



I didn't always lead an aligned, authentic life. Before starting Chosen Directions I was living life on autopilot, repeating patterns of behavior that left me feeling drained. I was in a long-term relationship where I felt lonely and unfulfilled. I was climbing the corporate ladder and beginning to burn out at work. I longed for my family that were 3,000 miles away.


I wasn't happy with how I was spending my time and the impact I was having. I was putting everyone's needs above my own. 

I was looking for answers but lacked confidence to identify what was right for me. I knew I needed to make a change but didn't know how. 

But then I discovered my chosen values and everything started to fall into place. I got curious about who I am and what drives me so I could live more authentically. This sent me on a journey to fundamentally change my life into one that is in alignment with what’s important to me and how I want to show up in the world. 

I now had the tools to move through any scenario and make decisions that felt really good and rewarding. Like I was living the life I was always meant to be living. 

This clear sense of direction led me to take steps towards my aligned, authentic life. I left my relationship. I moved across the country to be closer to family. I found my dream home. I met my fiancé. I quit my job. I started consulting exclusively with people who honored my values. I deepened relationships that honored my feelings and needs. I launched a business that I'm so passionate about and feel so aligned in. I became a certified coach. 

I’ve gone on a journey of living my life according to my values and along the way realized I want to help other people do that, too. I serve people at a crossroads who are also trying to answer these big questions, but don’t want to do it alone. 

Because it’s possible - and rewarding - to live your most fulfilled life. And that starts with living in alignment with the foundation of your values. 

Discover if you have
clear, chosen values vs. unclear or inherited values

Values are the principles that govern how you want to act. They are often described as your personal compass because they help you choose the direction in which you want to move through life and keep you on track as you go.

They may sound like a foreign concept, but you likely have inherited values that have been passed on to you through family, friends, jobs, religion, school, etc. In this program, you'll transform into your authentic self when you go from having inherited or unclear values to discovering your clear, chosen values.

Image by Josh Withers

three step FRAMEWORK


explore who you are

We’ll begin by taking an inventory on your value system and what drives your daily behaviors. Through conversations with loved ones, journaling and reflection, you'll analyze what you uncover, start to identify themes and consider which behaviors make you feel like your best self.


discover your authentic self

We’ll take what we learned and “try on” different values. By the end of this phase, you’ll select and define the values you want to incorporate into your life. You'll hone in on values by considering which are fear based or purpose driven, and whether you're already living these values or if they are aspirational.


pursue an aligned life

We’ll introduce tools to use your values in your daily life, specifically as it relates to your magic three (self, relationships, and work). You'll set goals and understand how your values can help you achieve them. Then you will adopt a weekly check-in practice that will help you maintain your values and make adjustments as needed.


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"This workshop really changed my life. before, I had a sense of who I was but was lacking how to articulate what was important to me and the values that make me who I am. I have found myself referring to my values when conflict arises and when tough but necessary decisions need to be made. identifying my values was a missing puzzle piece to my personal growth and development."

Imani Givertz

Creative Director, Touring Content Creator


Through weekly live virtual calls and a series of exercises, this program will guide you to uncover your chosen values and discover how they can guide you to live authentically.

Image by melanfolia меланфолія


Explore who you are and how you want to show up in the world.

Image by Zbynek Burival


Learn how to align yourself with opportunities and others that share your values.

Image by Brandon Nelson


Discover what loved ones appreciate about you, how you want to treat others and what attributes bring you joy.

Image by Anisur Rahman


Develop a unique roadmap to communicate what's important to you, make decisions and pursue goals that honor your authentic self.

Image by Larisa Birta


Reflect on, select and define your chosen values.

Image by Kalen Emsley


Adopt a weekly check-in practice to maintain your values and live authentically.

this program is for you if

  • You want to develop a strong internal compass so you can make decisions with ease, nurture values-aligned relationships, pursue a fulfilling career and live more authentically.

  • You are interested in exploring who you are, your priorities and guiding principles.

  • You are awakening to the fact that your personal values are unknown, outdated or weren't chosen by you.

  • You are looking for guidance, personal support and accountability.

  • You crave relationships, career and a lifestyle that feels energizing and aligns with what you value most.

  • You want to live each day with a roadmap that guides you to honor your authentic self.

this program is NOT for you if

  • You're not interested in challenging your existing beliefs and habits.

  • You're unable to carve out 1-2 hours for yourself each week to dedicate to this.

  • You're not currently in a place where you're able to reflect on questions that may make you feel vulnerable and encourage you to try new things. 

  • You're not seeking guidance and accountability from others at this time. 

  • You already have your values clearly defined and are actively living them in a way that is satisfying.


Anyone AT A CROSSROADS, such as:

  • Feeling burnt out and questioning what to do next

  • Making a career pivot

  • Beginning or graduating higher education

  • Becoming a parent 

  • Moving to a new place

  • Ending or starting a relationship 

  • Creating or growing a business 

  • Starting or leaving a job 

  • Challenging or exploring your beliefs

I've helped our alumni navigate these transitions and integrate tools to support them as they grow beyond these changes. 


WHAT You'll receive + Investment

Group Program

  • 12x 60-minute live video calls that covers the ins and outs of exploring and embodying your chosen values, plus the opportunity to ask your questions and be coached live

  • A workbook with activities and tools that you will complete during weekly sessions and individually

  • Ongoing access to communication between your cohort for discussion, support and accountability

  • 1:1 coaching email support in between sessions

  • A one-of-a-kind graduation gift  

Next group program begins early 2025.

Join that waitlist for early access.

$2,222 one-time payment*

or three monthly payments of $741

*Receive two (2) BONUS one-hour private coaching sessions when you pay in full.

Image by Noah Buscher

VIP Program

You'll receive everything included in the group program, delivered to you privately. 

Perfect for those who:

  • Want 1:1 support to help you explore these questions and next steps

  • Want the flexibility to schedule sessions around your schedule

  • Want to optimize the experience for your needs 

Flexible start date

$3,333 one-time payment*

or three monthly payments of $1,111

*Receive two (2) BONUS one-hour private coaching sessions when you pay in full.


  • Participants can use personal / professional development funds from their organization to pay for this program if this is available to you through your job. We have a template email you can use to help get this approved, if needed.  

  • Discounts are available for client referrals, students and those with financial needs. To request financial assistance please describe your needs in a sentence or two via email to Requests will remain confidential.

  • Interested in a custom program for your company or educational institution? Contact me at

how this program has HELPED OTHERS


"The program helped me to put pen to paper on values I knew I had, but that needed more definition, and to discover new ones that were uncovered through Drew's thoughtful questions and exercises."


"I built awareness of things I was doing daily that I didn’t realize, and that weren’t affording me the biggest return on my time and energy."


"This workshop helped me to clearly understand, define and integrate my values. I recommend it to anyone who is going through a transition, needs a reevaluate their direction or just needs more clarity on who they are and what they need."


"Defining my values helped me through a personal and career transition and made it much more smooth!"

frequently asked questions

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